the government. All you want to do is tell the people about certain laws of nature which God made and man must follow. (Everyone knows that no two people are alike.) Then a few small changes in laws and your Job will be done. My one idea is that like most manmade problems, few people have only one problem. I fear that those who have sex problems also have political, social, educational, health, racial and all other kinds of problems. No one should be under the delusion that sex problems would go and their life would be perfectly happy if wo legalized whóre houses tomorrow, or made homosexuality legal, or legalized trial marriages. Most of our problems are in us and due to our lack of understanding of God's laws. No law can give us love, or knowledge.

I certainly do not want to have a society in which homosexuals run things, or whores run things, or religion is turned into sex orgies, or overy man is guaranteed a beautiful wife and no hard work, etc. Life would still be miserable for most of us because we can't really get along with ourselves.

Why can't pooplo read the available books to give themselves more knowledge about themselves and our world? For instance, BUT WE WERE BORN FREE by Elmer Davis; NO PEACE OF MIND by Harry C. Meserve; AGAINST THE LAW by Peter Wildeblood; GUIDES TO STRAIGHT THINKING by Stuart Chase; THE INTERPRETER'S BIBLE, books on psychology by good scientists, etc. Why can't people take an interest in others besides themselves, join such worthwhile organizations as the American Civil Liberties Union, The League of Women Voters, the Young Republicans and Democrats, the U.S. Committee for the U.N.? Let us all admit that neither we nor our world is perfect, but that wo have no place to go, so if things are to got better, wo must make them better ourselves. Truo, Jesus said, "I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly," but He didn't say Ho could make us have life, He said that we might have it if we choose to ha vo it and work with God through natural laws to get it.